One last look out the window before leaving. Pretty nice, eh?

Here is what is so neat about this trip. We are constantly meeting people involved with supporting the troops. Just before we left the hotel we met Mr. Glick. He is the Chaplain at the 82nd Airborne. He is supporting an effort this weekend by CNN and Fisher House which you can donate your frequent flyer miles to the troops. Airlines are matching your donations! Go to
www.heromiles.org for more info. He also wanted to know if we'd let him ride his Vulcan motorcycle with us next year. He thought we only had Harley's. When we showed him Bob's Honda and Mike's Yamaha, he was very relieved.

Then I got to thinking. What am I going to blog about today. Not a very exciting day to tell the truth. So, I decided that since RideCam was down, that I would be RideCam! DISCLAIMER: I am a professional - don't try this yourself.
Here are the boys riding through Ontario.

Hey, what about me? Here I am riding through Ontario.

Boy, they let you go fast around here!

See, we're not even doing the speed limit.
Wait, what did you say? The speed limit is 80 what? Don't bother me with details! :)

We actually rode about 20 miles, errr.... I mean 32km in Ontario.

The boys are getting close to the border.

We're almost back in the USA.

Here's Tom waiting the customs line. What's he so damn happy about?!

No looking back now.

On the bridge to Buffalo, USA.

Home sweet home .... from a country perspective.

Here's our lunch stop - hey it's an American Classic!

Bob's got this new thing now. After every meal, he's handing out mints. What's up with that?

Time to gas up.
Let me interpret what Mike is thinking...
1. Where do I put my credit card?
2. What are all these knobs on the side for?
3. How do I enter my PIN number?
4. What is this thing?

About 80 miles north of Pittsburgh, the clouds were getting dark, we were starting to get sprinkled on, and the bolt of lightning sealed the deal. Time to don the rain gear.
Good news, bad news. In the 20 minutes it took to pull the gear out, put it on, etc., the storm passed and it's HOT again. We rode with the rain gear for 20 miles and couldn't wait to get it off! Good news- no rain, bad news- we were soaked from sweat.

Smart Tag / Easy Pass was anything but smart/easy. Mr. Toll collector was not happy with us.
We got to the hotel around 5:20 and Bob's off to meet his family.
Tomorrow we head for home, via Shankville, PA to visit the United 93 memorial. One last report this weekend.
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