Today we went to the Lonesome Dove Ranch. What a beautiful place! The owner of the ranch, Hugh Long, is a Vietnam vet that fell on tough times when he returned from Vietnam. He started his own business and turned things around. Now he shares his home with soldiers every month.

Members of the American Legion Riders attend to help with the cookin’. First, there’s an awesome spread of burgers, dogs, sausage, chicken and all the fixin’s. And plenty of desserts. Then there is plenty of recreation. Relax in the pool or grab a pole and do some fishing. The bass were biting.

Another popular attraction was a horse named Early. Early was born last week (2 weeks premature, hence, the name).

Thanks to Stu and Pete, out came the guitars for some easy listening. Of course, Tom couldn’t resist a turn :)

It was an awesome day, just to relax and appreciate life’s better moments. Sunday will be a day of rest for the start of the return trip. Monday we will travel 480 miles to Baton Rouge. We are affectionately referring to Monday as "Dave Harbour Day" - a day that will go down in....... ibuprofen. Anyone that knows Dave, should ask him why we have dedicated this day to him.
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