We left Mequite, TX at 0645 to meet up with the American Legion Riders (Post 593). 1SG Daryl Eddings was there to roll out with his “troops”. Daryl led us (on 4 wheels) for the first 100 miles down to San Antonio. We then continued the next 100 miles to our meeting point with the American Legion Riders. There we met with 8 riders. They took us the next 100 miles to their Post in Converse, TX. What an awesome meal they had prepared for us!! Our sincere
appreciation to these guys!

The riders were: Stu Hutchinson, Randy McBay, Kevin Stockton, Bill Papa, Terry Smith, Mizell Smith, Pete De La Fuente and Mary Ayala. Thanks also to the cooks: Brad Pierce, Rose Lewis, Lori Hutchinson, Carrie Papa, Lee Ruble, Jack Hogge, Debi Pierce and Darvin Cull. I hope I didn’t miss anybody.
From there it was off to Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC). Brad Pierce accompanied us as he was bringing gift cards for the soldiers and soldiers’ families. (There will be a separate blog post regarding our visit to BAMC).
The ride from the American Legion Post to BAMC, was in the words of JR, "about 5 minutes." 40 minutes later, in 102 degree heat and heavy traffic, we made it. It is now that I have to let everyone know that our leader, Tom, did not battle the elements with the rest of us. No. Instead he hoped in JR’s air conditioned vehicle for the ride to BAMC. Somewhere along the way, there will be payback!

Friday night, Tom, Bob and myself attended a benefit for the soldiers at the Red Rum in Austin. Many thanks to Dan Vargas for providing transportation for us! Even I felt a little old at this place as the music was "new age" and the crowd was barely drinking age. However, when it was time to present the check, all the patrons gathered around the stage and listened to our message. They support our troops and our cause! It was great to see. And when it was all said and done, we presented a check for $25,000 to the Coalition!!

We will continue to raise more as we make our way back to DC. We arrived back at the hotel around 3AM. What a day!
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