Day 2 - West Point Military Academy and OCC
First things first. I tried mightily to post my blog update Monday night, but the wireless connection in the hotel was not working and the business center computer blocked access to the blog site. Guess we have too much "adult" content.
Today's post will be a little different from my other posts as we have a TON of photos! Actually, there will be some more cool pics coming tomorrow and I'll post them as soon as I receive them.
There was no problem with weather today as you will see in the photos.
We left the hotel on time and rode out to West Point Military Academy for a tour. John Tibbs was nice enough to join us again today to escort us from the hotel to West Point. Remember those views I spoke about yesterday? Here's a shot of the Hudson River from the side of the road. (Bob's not in the photo cause he took the picture - sorry Bob).
When we arrived at West Point, we were met by Joe Graves and his wife Kris. Both of them rode down from Ft. Drum, where Joe is a Tech Sgt. in the Air National Guard. And yes, I meant both of them rode - Kris rode on her own bike - a very cool V-Rod! We were also met by John "Johnny B" Mascia, NY State Captain for the PGR and our good friend J.R. Martinez from the Coalition. Accompanying J.R. and taking professional photos for the Coalition is Mychal Watts. BTW - the photos below are my very un-professional photos!
The tour of West Point was very interesting. We got a guided tour of the grounds and spent time in the museum. If you enjoy military history, check this place out sometime.
Cadet graduation is next week. Here we got to see them practicing.

Is this picture gorgeous or what? The background is the Hudson River, which by the way is at it's narrowest point at this spot. You history buffs will know that holding this ground gave the U.S. a distinct military advantage when British ships tried to navigate through here.
Then it was off to Montgomery, NY to visit Orange County Choppers. Those of you not in to motorcycles may not understand the purpose of this visit. If you've never heard of OCC, here's the Cliff Notes version - They build very neat theme choppers and have the highest rated show on the Discovery Channel.
Guess what this one is? Ding, ding, ding, that's correct - it's a space shuttle chopper!
This is the facility where they make the choppers. A brand new facility is being built about 10 miles away which will be ready early next year.

This is the OCC retail store, where they display bikes and take your money!

After our OCC stop, it was time to head back to the hotel and crash. I thought since I took a photo of gas prices during last years trip, I'd do it again. About the only thing good about $3.50 gas, is that it still only costs $12 to fill the bike!
Today's post will be a little different from my other posts as we have a TON of photos! Actually, there will be some more cool pics coming tomorrow and I'll post them as soon as I receive them.
There was no problem with weather today as you will see in the photos.

Kris, Joe G., Joe K. and Mike in front of the West Point visitors center.
J.R. and Johnny B chat it up before the tour.

Then it was off to Montgomery, NY to visit Orange County Choppers. Those of you not in to motorcycles may not understand the purpose of this visit. If you've never heard of OCC, here's the Cliff Notes version - They build very neat theme choppers and have the highest rated show on the Discovery Channel.

Here I am, looking all bad, by the OCC rig.
Bob is just down right scary!

This is the OCC retail store, where they display bikes and take your money!

After our OCC stop, it was time to head back to the hotel and crash. I thought since I took a photo of gas prices during last years trip, I'd do it again. About the only thing good about $3.50 gas, is that it still only costs $12 to fill the bike!
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